St Eanswythes CE Primary School is single form entry school and have a technician visit once a week for 2 hours – Term Time Only.
Before we started here, the school had numerous technicians who struggled to maintain a good relationship with the school.
The school has the same technician visit every week in term time and jobs are collated for him by the deputy headteacher any jobs outstanding that cannot be completed in the 2 hours are then logged on the helpdesk for next time.
Primary Technologies works closely with St Eanswythe’s CE Primary School to look after all their technology needs. Since we have taken over the IT support and maintenance at the school, they can rely on a service The school has two networks which consists of both their administration and curriculum resources, the school uses SIMS and a finance system called FMS. It has a variety of hardware and software.
Primary Technologies allocated a dedicated technician which manages the schools relationship ensuring that all their needs are met. We sit down with the governor responsible for IT, headteacher and IT Co-ordinator to review the 5 year plan every year to try and cater for items which need replacing. By doing this, we advise schools based on our experience, what items will need to be replaced and how to budget for them.
Primary Technologies are an invaluable asset to our school. They provide an excellent, personal and friendly service which ensures all areas of ICT within the school run smoothly. Gone are the days of spending hours fixing problems as they are only a phone call away, no problem is too big or too small. Primary Technologies have tailored support to suit our needs. All staff would highly recommend. - Sarah Laws, Headteacher